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Welcome to Las Verdes
ACCOUNTING NEWS: Please click here to read a letter from
Oxygen/Summit Association Services explaining their new system.
Here is how to create your account to make payments.
REMINDER: Guests must present a valid Driver's License
at the gate. Passports and other IDs are not acceptable.
Remind them the entrance is on Military Trail, not Linton.
The Las Verdes POA does not accept payments in the office.
All payments should be paid via ACH or by mail to:
Las Verdes Property Owners Association, Inc.
c/o Summit Association Services
PO Box 668587
Miami, FL 33166-9419
The e-mail address for the Las Verdes Office is:
The e-mail address for the Las Verdes newsletter is:
Please click here to view the letter announcing this amendment.
Fees are $170 a month.
Please click here to view the Master Declarations and here for the budget.
Rules for all pools are posted at each of the pools. It is a violation of state law to enter any pool area before dawn or after dusk when the gates are locked (this is trespassing). Violators of the pool rules or trespassing will be subject to referral to the Palm Beach County Sheriff for a criminal complaint.
Parking overnight at the Clubhouse and at the two satellite pools without permission from the POA office is not allowed. Violation of this rule may result in vehicle being towed. Parking on the grass within the Las Verdes common areas is not allowed. Violation of this rule will result in a fine up to $50 and/or vehicle being towed.
Residents and guests with “service animals or any other animals” must have the animal on a leash not longer than 6’ and must pick up after the animal. Violators of this rule will be subject to a fine of $100.
Gate access key cards must be used to enter the pools at all times and the clubhouse after 4:30 p.m. Placing rocks or other objects to keep the gates or doors open is not allowed. Violators of this rule will be subject to a fine up to $100.
Dumping trash in Las Verdes POA dumpsters or anywhere on the POA property is not permitted. Violators will be subject to a $100 fine.
Anyone caught vandalizing or damaging Las Verdes POA property will be subject to a fine of $100 plus be required to reimburse the Las Verdes POA for repair or replacement of the damages. Violators will also be subject to a criminal complaint filed with the Palm Beach County Sheriff.
Unit owners, renters, and guests are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and civil manner at all times while on Las Verdes POA property. Violations of Las Verdes' rules, performing any action that affects the health or welfare of a Las Verdes resident, or violation of law may result in a criminal complaint filed with the Palm Beach County Sheriff in addition to a fine of $100. Las Verdes unit owners are responsible for the actions of their renters and guests. Should your renter or guest violate the Las Verdes rules, you the owner will be liable for any fines imposed by the Las Verdes POA.
*fines are per day of violation. Approved fines that are not paid may result in a lien on your property.
The front Clubhouse doors will be locked after 4:30 p.m. To gain entry you must use your key card. The Clubhouse will be locked each night at 10:30 p.m. (and not accessible by key card) except during POA and club events.
No card playing allowed on Saturday or Sundays in the Clubhouse.
Las Verdes is enforcing all towing rules regarding our property. Towing and POA property signs have been posted on both sides of the satellite pools and Clubhouse. This is POA property and there is NO overnight parking allowed.
Towing will be enforced from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday thru Saturday. A sticker will be placed on the vehicle, violators will be towed and responsible for all costs.
To gain access to the pools you will have to use your magnetic key card. This is the only way gates will open. Key cards can only be used on these gates from dawn to dusk. There is no access after dusk.
The Military Trail gate guardhouse is staffed around the clock by a security guard. Residents must use the right lane (resident entry lane). All non-residents are required to enter via the left lane of the gate and show the proper picture ID Proper picture ID means a current valid driver's license (international/foreign licenses are acceptable.) Without ID your guest will be refused entry.
Anyone wishing entry into the community must show their driver’s license to the camera located outside of the entry gate by the stop sign. Read and follow posted instructions. The guard will not open the gate unless the driver’s license has been seen. If the person is having difficulty then the guard will speak on the PA to assist them but will not open the gate until the license has been shown. If the person driving the car does not have a driver’s license to show for any reason, the guard will not open the gate and will deny entry into the community. The guard has the right to see a driver's license and also to record the same in the entry record.
If you have a guest, contractor/vendor or care provider, and you want the guard to know when they are to arrive at the property, you will be calling directly into the system to leave a message. Dial this number 561-498-2031 and follow the instructions.
If there is an unannounced visitor (or vendor) and there has been no entry into the system for that visitor, that visitor will be asked to make a U-turn and park on the side and instructed to contact the resident whom in-turn must call the gate entry phone number (561-498-2031) to give the authorization to enter...THE GUARD WILL NOT CALL THE RESIDENT.
Owners who sell or rent their properties should transfer gate cards in their possession to the new owners or tenants.
In the case of new owners, failure to transfer it will require the new owner to come to the POA office (Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to sign in and receive a bar code for their car window or an entry card.
Renters if not supplied bar code for a car window, or gate card by owners, will be required to purchase, at the POA office, a new card, and/car window bar code.
The Linton resident entry gate is closed every evening at 11:00 p.m. and will not be reopened until 7:00 a.m. the following morning. During that time period, all residents must use the resident lane at the Military Trail entrance.
Any resident behind 90 days or more in POA maintenance fees will be denied access to Las Verdes via the resident's lane at the Military and access through the Linton gate. To gain access to Las Verdes you will have to go through the visitor's lane at the Military gate and show the guard proper Identification before you are allowed entry. This ruling will also apply to renters who are using your key card or transponder. Once payment is made this ban will be lifted.
Any information intended for the newsletter must be received no later than the 15th of the month proceeding issue date. Please e-mail to:
To help in expediting communications between residents and the POA we are requesting that residents to send us their e-mail address. This information can be forwarded to us Via e-mail to:
Because of recent damages done to the clubhouse by young vandals, effective immediately no one under the age of 16 will be permitted in the Clubhouse without an adult escort.
Las Verdes POA office (Clubhouse) hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The Clubhouse and Pools have Wi-Fi. The password is: mightytable258 (all lower case letters.)

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